2025 - Program

The Republic of Korea (ROK) has launched the Training Programme to contribute to the evolution and safety of the world¡¯s aviation industry since 2001.

In 2006, ROK and ICAO, recognizing the importance of assistance and cooperation in the aviation training, established the training programme, which is sponsored by the Government of the ROK and administered by the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau, and conducted by Korea aviation academies

Note 1: The course schedule and the number of participants can be subject to change due to circumstances.
Note 2: Applicants are required to complete the on-line Application Form at www.korea-ftp.org.
Note 3: It is required for all applicants to submit the Official letter with the Nomination Form authorized by applicants¡¯ Government.

Related Organizations and Institutes
MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
KCATC (Civil Aviation Training Centre of Korea Airports Corporation)
IAAA (Incheon Airport Aviation Academy)
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